
Professor posing with two students under tree in caps and gowns


Ealy (center) attended and walked at the Penn State Berks commencement ceremony in May 2018 to celebrate with Yazgi and Abouomar. Ealy served as Yazgi’s Schreyer Scholar Thesis supervisor. 


College students may face pressures from 阿片类药物流行病's secondary effects

Even college students who are not directly suffering from opioid abuse and addiction may be caught up in secondary effects from the epidemic. A team of Penn State Lehigh Valley researchers found that about one in five college students reported in a survey that they knew someone who was addicted to pain medications, and nearly a third said they knew somebody who overdosed on painkillers or heroin. This may cause worry and anxiety above and beyond the typical financial and academic stress that college students face, 研究人员补充说.
professor and students in front of research poster

Undergraduate research successes

Penn State Lehigh Valley students Zoha Babar, Sheherbano Hussain and Jimmy Hadid, and Associate Professor of Biology Jacqueline S. 麦克劳林, gathered in front of their poster titled, "The Potential of Coating Polyurethane with ‘Self-like’ Molecules to Reduce the Host Response to Implanted Medical Devices."  They took second place in the Biological Sciences and Health category at the Penn State Eastern Regional Undergraduate 研究 Symposium at Penn State Abington on April 21. Their poster was also presented at the 2018 Undergraduate 研究 Exhibition in University Park. 

Group of students with faculty members displaying their certificates

Undergraduate 研究 Symposium winners 2018

Some of the winning students from the Undergraduate 研究 Symposium posed together on April 5 at the Lehigh Valley campus with three of the faculty mentors, Tracey Carbonetto (far left), Jennifer Parker (second from left), and Jacqueline 麦克劳林 (far right).

Three adults watching a young child display a game

Lehigh Valley LaunchBox at Invent Penn State in the Capitol Day

Penn State Lehigh Valley Chancellor Tina Q. 理查森, 中国博彩平台 President Eric J. Barron and Vice President of Commonwealth Campuses Madlyn L. Hanes visited with nine-year-old Kedar Narayann, who is one of the Lehigh Valley LaunchBox grant recipients, at the Invent Penn State in the Capitol Day on Feb. 5岁,哈里斯堡. Narayann was displaying his game Codeylocks, which helps kids learn algorithms and how to code.